Primary Proposals 2024
Please remember that the August Primary Election is a STRAIGHT PARTY vote on your ballot. Be sure your ballot counts by only choosing candidates within ONE PARTY. Mixing parties on your ballot will invalidate or "spoil" your ballot. You may choose candidates regardless of party affiliations in the General Election ONLY.
Alteration of Duration for Fixed Operational Millage
Indefinite duration of the separate tax limitations as established in 1982, be altered to a two-year time period, or until altered by teh voters of Benzie County with no change to the current tax rates.

Benzie County 911 Central Dispatch
Operating surcharge reauthorization proposal. Proposed up to $3.00 monthly surcharge to each 911 service user for a period of 5 years (effective 1/1/2026 - 12/31/2030).

Benzie County Jail
Operations millage proposal for jail operations. Seeking 1.4 mills increase over 5 years (2024-2028); full millage would be 2.4 mills.

Benzie County Commission on Aging (Benzie Senior Resources)
Seeking 1 mills over 6 years (2025-2030)

Fire & EMS Equipment & Apparatus Replacement Renewal
Seeking 0.5000 mills for four years 2025-2028

Parks & Recreation Renew & Increase
Seeking millage renewal and increase. Seeking .275 mills over five years (2024-2028)

Fire Protection and First Responders Renewal
Seeking 1.5 mills for two years 2024-2026

Fire Department Operations and Maintenance
Seeking 2.0 mills for four years 2024-2027

Fire Equipment Renewal
Seeking renewal 0.5 mills for four years 2024-2027

Fire Department Operations and Maintenance
Seeking addition of 1.0 mills for four years 2024-2027